Open .art Files

5 file types use the .art file extension.

  • 1.ArtCAM Model
  • 2.AOL Compressed Image File
  • 3.BERNINA Embroidery File
  • 4.Artifacts Artifact File
  • 5.Art Document

File Type 1ArtCAM Model

  • There are a lot of Gerber file viewers available, both free and otherwise. You can also import the artwork (gerbers) into an Allegro board file using File = Import = Artwork. You can specify unused layers in your current design, or create a new board file in your directory specifically for viewing the artwork. Binpersonal over 7 years ago.
  • Additional links: Open art file, Open pes file. Files with art file extension can be be mostly found as various graphics files, especially embroidery designs for Bernina stitching machines. Files with pes extension are embroidery designs saved in one of the Brother formats.
CategoryCAD Files

How to Open an Art Gallery. Art galleries attract many types of visitors, from serious art critics and collectors to the general public. Art gallery owners can be influential members of creative circles, and have the benefit of working.

What is an ART file?

CAD model created by ArtCAM, a CNC (computer numerical control) program used for artistic design and manufacturing; saves a 2D or 3D model as well as instructions for a machine to cut or engrave the design; used for signs, woodworking, engraving, and jewelry.

Delcam ArtCAM is no longer developed.

Open over 300 file formats with File Viewer Plus.

Programs that open ART files

Updated 7/17/2020

File Type 2AOL Compressed Image File

CategoryRaster Image Files

.ART File Association 2

Bitmap image file compressed by America Online (AOL); saved in a proprietary format that most image viewing programs do not recognize; can be opened within America Online by selecting 'File→Open...'

To save an ART file in a more compatible format, open the image with AOL File Viewer, choose 'Save As...' and select a different format.

Programs that open ART files

Free Trial
Updated 6/7/2008

File Type 3BERNINA Embroidery File

CategoryData Files

.ART File Association 3

Embroidery design created with BERNINA embroidery software; contains a design that can be loaded into a BERNINA sewing machine and stitched onto a quilt, shirt, or other piece of fabric.

BERNINA ART files can be opened and edited with the embroidery software included with BERNINA sewing machines. They can also be opened, viewed, and printed with BERNINA's free ArtLink software.

NOTE: There are several different versions of the ART format and older version of BERNINA software may not open newer versions of ART files.

Programs that open ART files

Updated 6/4/2013

File Type 4Artifacts Artifact File

CategoryDeveloper Files

.ART File Association 4

Visual Studio program bug description created with Artifacts, a file-based bug tracker; saved as an 'artifact' with a unique ID and contains a bug description in an XML format; can be categorized and filtered by labels within Artifacts.

Programs that open ART files

Updated 6/4/2013

File Type 5Art Document

CategoryVector Image Files

.ART File Association 5


Image file that may have been created by several different drawing programs; typically a vector graphic and uses points, vertices, and lines to represent the image instead of dots like a bitmap image; also used by various clipart programs.

Programs that open ART files

Free Trial
Free Trial
Free Trial
Updated 6/9/2009

When our customers begin the process of submitting designs for printing, we often find that there is confusion regarding the type of art files that we need to receive from them. The confusion seems to center around Vector graphics files. Most people who are not professional graphic designers do not know what Vector art is. Indeed, there are even some people working as graphic designers that do not know what vector graphics are.

Open .art Files

We hope, in the following section, to help bridge this information gap.

What Is Vector Art?

Vector art is created using vector illustration software programs, such as Adobe Illustrator orCorel Draw. These programs use mathematic equations and geometric primitives (points, lines, and shapes) to create art that is clean, camera ready, and can be scaled infinitely, without any loss of quality or fidelity.

How To Open .art Files

Scalability is one of the main reasons that Vector art files are so valuable to printers. The same art file can be used to reproduce your design on something as small as a business card, or something as large as a billboard, without any loss of quality.

In the following graphic, we will show the difference in appearance between Vector art and the other, more common type of computer graphic, Raster art:

You’ll notice how, in the Raster art example, the edges of the art become distorted when the picture is enlarged. You’ll also notice how there are hundreds of shades of green in the Raster file, but only one shade of green in the Vector file.

Raster Graphics can bephotographs, or graphics files created in Adobe Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, and other Raster editing programs. In some instances, they can be used for some screen-printing applications, such as printing one-color “pen and ink” drawings. But in most cases, especially with art such as logos, we will need Vector art to achieve the proper print.

Open .art Gerber Files

How can you tell if your art is Vector Art? One way is by the file type. Modern vector art is usually created in Adobe Illustrator, and is commonly saved with certain file extensions. The four most common Vector file extensions are .ai, .pdf, .eps and .svg.

However, just because a file is saved in one of these formats, does not mean that it is truly vector art. Sometimes, people open raster files in Adobe Illustrator, and re-save the file in a vector format, without recreating the art using the vector editing tools. Only art originally created in a vector editing program, such as Adobe Illustrator, is truly vector art.

So, how do you really know if your art file is a vector art file? The only way to know for sure is to open the file, and check to make sure that it was created as vector art. If you have a vector editing program, open your art file, and use the selection tool on an area within the art. You might see something like this:

See the nodes surrounding the letterform? Those are vector editing nodes. If you see those, congratulations! You have vector art.

Open .art files windows 10

Easy enough, if you have the proper software. But most people do not own a copy of a vector editing program. In which case, you will need to find someone who does, and get them to check the file for you.

The file that you have might not be the only one out there. If you had a professional designer create your art, chances are they created your design as vector art, but could have neglected to provide you with the vector files. Contact your designer, and ask for the vector files. If you work in a large company, contact your company’s marketing department or design department. They will probably have the files that you need.

If, after all of this, you discover that you have a non-vector art file, and you need vector art, there’s only one thing to do: Hire a graphic designer to re-create your design as vector art.

When hiring a designer, make sure that they will provide the art in both vector and raster formats. If they are unable to do so, hire a designer that can.

We hope that we have demystified vector art a little bit. If you have any questions, or would like a free art consultation, please feel free to call us at 828-253-9420, contact us using the form below, or drop by the shop in person. We’re always happy to help.